Investors can easily follow their portfolios' returns by studying monthly or quarterly performance. Assessing and managing risk in a portfolio can be a bigger challenge but is...
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A year ago, many market strategists and other pundits were predicting the arrival of a recession in 2023, tumbling rates of inflation by the second half of this year, and multiple...
Current Market Environment In the third quarter, the market seemed to grapple with a "higher for longer" interest rate environment. The benchmark 10-year Treasury rose...
Current Market Environment “Don’t get caught up with what other people are doing. Being a contrarian isn’t the key but being a crowd follower isn’t either. You need to detach...
Last year, punctuated by high inflation and rapidly rising interest rates, was a period that most stock and bond investors would prefer to forget. It may, however, have marked the...
Current Market Environment The first quarter of 2023 was akin to a play with three distinct acts. However, unlike a traditional play in which the first act introduces a problem,...
This year’s first quarter was punctuated by some sudden bank failures in March. California’s Silicon Valley Bank and New York’s Signature Bank collapsed after depositors rushed...
Perhaps distracted by clamor and pundits in the financial media, along with suffering from some pesky behavioral biases, too many investors fail to focus on the main goal of...
Current Market Environment “This time is different.” As 2022 began, that sentiment seemed pervasive. With the S&P 500 trading close to all-time highs, continuing to be led by...